Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Want to WEAR the Liberty Brigade?
Check out this great Baltimore Comic Con t-shirt (free to all VIPs) and on sale at the show – art by Sean Chen and colors by Chris Ivy.
Thrilling Profile: The Mirror Man and Icarion, Child of the Sun
Here are two heroes who make small cameos in the upcoming Liberty Brigade #1 — The Mirror Man – he was a request from one of you and also Icarion, Child of the Sun — this poor hero showed up on an ad in Colossus Comics #1 (1940) to be in issue #2 — sadly,…
Thrilling Profile: Mr. Freedom
Our second profile of Mr. Freedom.
Thrilling Profile: The Spark Man
Though he is not a member of The Liberty Brigade, The Spark Man will be making an appearance.
Thrilling Profile: Mr. Freedom
The next member of The Liberty Brigade is Mr. Freedom.
Thrilling Profile: Villain time
I’m a malevolent Lama, up to no good and very powerful. Who am I?
Thrilling Profile: Kitten
Where Cat-Man goes, Kitten cannot be far behind. She is a member of The Liberty Brigade as well as Cat-Man’s partner.
Thrilling Profile: Johnny Patriot
Our fifth member is Johnny Patriot — formerly known as Johnny Rebel.
Thrilling Profile: The Green Turtle
The fourth member of The Liberty Brigade is The Green Turtle. His first appearance was in Blazing Comics #1 in 1944.
Thrilling Profile: Cat-Man
The third member of The Liberty Brigade is probably the best known public domain character on the team, Cat-Man.
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